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Lambda Basketball's Hollywood Open Gym is Back!!

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Hey Lambda Fam,

You can now RSVP for our upcoming Women's+ and All Gender Hollywood Open Gyms for the month of January. Thursday nights will be dedicated to our women's+ community and Friday nights will be dedicated to our coed community; and these nights are scheduled weekly all the way through June of 2021.

In order to participate in our Hollywood Open Gyms, all players will be required to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination via a digital or paper copy of their Covid-19 vaccination card or proof of a negative PCR Covid-19 test taken 48-72 hours before the open gym. This is a requirement that Lambda Basketball has to follow and uphold in-order to rent out the gym space; and it is a measure we support to help ensure the safety of our community.

You can RSVP for one of our upcoming Hollywood Open Gyms be visiting the following page on the Lambda Basketball website:

Also, please consider joining our Lambda Basketball Facebook Group as we post Lambda updates, national tournament info, Lambda meetups and more:

Please feel to reach out to the Lambda Basketball Board of Directors with any of your questions via e-mail:

See you on the court!

Lambda Basketball Board of Directors

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